Dear President Biden, We Must
Take Stronger Action Now.
Press Inquiries:
Covid-19 has ravaged the heart and soul of America. In order to save lives, livelihoods, and move toward a bright and better future, we must take swift, strong, and coordinated action to end this pandemic.
Australia, China, New Zealand, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, and Atlantic Canada have led the way in defeating Covid-19. While we’ve spent months reacting to the virus, they proactively beat the virus.
Doing the hard work of getting to CovidZero is much better than the continued loss of life and livelihoods. For the physical health of our neighbors and the economic health of our country, we must act now.
Here are 4 steps that should be taken immediately:
1) Use the strongest possible action to prevent transmission: We must take a 5-week pause on any unnecessary activities that bring people in contact with each other. This should include strictly-enforced 14-day quarantine requirements for incoming travelers.
2) Rapid test and isolation of positive cases: We must rapidly identify cases and isolate them to protect family, friends, and neighbors.
3) Ensure a livelihood for all: We must protect the livelihood of everyone in need of financial support.
4) Rapid Vaccination: We must rapidly vaccinate high-risk individuals—with a focus on the elderly and essential workers.
If we take these steps, we can eliminate the virus much sooner than currently projected. Now is the time to take action. ZeroCovid is within our reach.
We, the undersigned, stand in support of this plan so that we can open up our communities, businesses, and economy as soon as possible. Together, let’s move toward a bright and better future.
Yaneer Bar-Yam | President, New England Complex Systems Institute
Rob May | General Partner, PJC Ventures
Nassim Taleb | The Distinguished Professor of Risk Engineering at NYU’s Tandon School of Engineering
Will Haering | Founder & CEO, Rethink
C’pher Gresham | CEO Emeritus, SEED SPOT
Nick Laparra | Founder, Let’s Give A Damn
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