Together, we can eliminate Covid-19 and move toward a new and better normal.

Let’s Get To CovidZero

The plan is simple, tested, and proven to work. We beat smallpox, SARS, Ebola, and many other diseases through collective community action. We must adopt this strategy so we can beat Covid-19.

  1. Galvanize every community around the CovidZero goal.

  2. Ensure a livelihood for all.

  3. Use the strongest possible action to prevent transmission.

  4. Implement travel restrictions, case identification, and quarantines.

  5. Rapidly vaccinate high-risk individuals.

  6. Reopen strategically.

Let’s Get To Work




Start by joining thousands of others fighting for a new and better normal.




Everyone’s voice needs to be heard. Organize your family, your neighborhood, your community. Join & organize your local #CovidZero movement.




Drive change by advocating for CovidZero. Contact your local legislators. Call and write to congress.

CovidZero Is Possible



New Zealand went hard to eliminate community spread. Since then, they have implemented strong contact tracing, travel restrictions, and community support. They are now nearly CovidZero.


Australia instituted quick protocols to eliminate the spread. Now, they are open and vigilant at containing Covid.


When the virus was taking hold across the country, individuals and leaders rapidly responded to any outbreaks. For months, they have had few infections.